Broken Link Vs. Dead Link: Is There a Difference? Jun 06, 2024 |  

Everyone uses the terms “broken links” and “dead links” similarly, right?  But there’s a difference there. Understanding these differences is crucial to ensure a smooth user experience and maintain a high website health standard. They can seriously damage a website if you refer to them as broken or dead links.  This article explains the difference […]

How to Find Broken Links on Your Website Nov 09, 2023 |  

Website owners strive to provide their users with a seamless browsing experience. Still, sometimes, links on a website can break.  Broken links, as they’re known, are like unwelcome guests on your website’s information highway, disrupting the user experience and tarnishing your site’s reputation. According to a 2020 study, around 5% of website links are broken. […]