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How to Use ChatGPT to Boost Your Content & SEO Strategy

Apr 16, 2024 |   How to use ChatGPT to improve content and SEO

Released in the month of November 2022, the ChatGPT tool has made quite the stir in the market. 

It’s like the ultimate replacement for google itself. You want something, you ask for it. Do you want codes? Content? Strategies? Stories? The tool has it all. 

LinkedIn has been on fire lately with posts and articles circling around on how ChatGPT is an efficient tool for SEO and Content and what can be achieved with it. But the problem was no one really explained how actually to use ChatGPT for content and SEO. 

So, that’s what we intend to do with this article. We will provide you with all you can do and how to achieve it with proper examples. 


It is our sole responsibility to warn you ahead of time about the content you are about to consume.

ChatGPT has said that it has only the data up to April 2023, and the generated content can be biased depending on the questions asked. So, it would be wrong for us not to let you know about this.

If you don’t believe us, no worries. We asked ChatGPT to list the downsides of relying completely on the tool for everything, and this is what it replied to. 

Downsides of using ChatGPT

Also, before we jump into how ChatGPT can help you with both content and SEO, it should be emphasized that ChatGPT is not an SEO tool or even a content marketing tool. 

So please keep in mind that the information you get from this tool should be corroborated with your expertise and ensure whether it is correct or not. 

ChatGPT for SEO

Let’s see how ChatGPT can help you with SEO

1.Help You Identify The Keywords

Keyword research is a lengthy process, especially when you don’t know the difference between the types of keywords – primary, secondary and long-tail. 

So, how can ChatGPT help you here? 

Simply ask what the most plausible keywords for a topic are, and it will generate them.

How to use Chatgpt for keyword research

For beginners, you might get confused with the list of keywords you have collected for a certain topic and how to pinpoint the primary keywords. 

In that case, you can ask the question, “Which of these following keywords can be selected as the primary keywords for the “TOPIC”?” and then add the list you have collected. Notice the image below to see how ChatGPT answered it.

How to use Chatgpt to find the primary keyword

Or yet another way will be to bluntly ask what the most plausible primary keyword for a specific topic is. The example can be seen in the following image.

Example of how to use Chatgpt to find the primary keyword

Of course, you need to know the volume and difficulty level of the keywords, and ChatGPT is certainly not the right tool for that. But it helps you with the process, and there is no doubt there.

2. Find Keywords In The Funnel Stages

For those who don’t know the funnel stages, they are –

  • Top
  • Middle
  • Bottom

The top of the funnel is when the customers are in search of a service or a service provider or a product. Middle of the funnel means, the customers are exploring a service, a service provider or a product. And finally, the bottom of the funnel means the customers are considering purchasing the service, service provider or product. 

So, the keywords will have to align with these stages for the content team to create appropriate content and guide the customers through their journey from top to bottom. 

Yes, it’s easy for an SEO professional to track down these keywords. However, ChatGPT could finish this process faster. See the following image to understand how ChatGPT can help with finding the keywords.

How to segment keywords with Chatgpt

3. Help You With Semantic Keywords

Semantic keywords are those keywords that provide the same content intent. To tell an example, “benefits of mobile app development” and “mobile app development benefits” are semantic keywords. 

But there is the case where you can’t know whether it’s semantic or not; that’s where you can use ChatGPT to understand the difference.

See the following for an example- 

example of Chatgpt for keyword research

Or in other cases, you can find more semantic keywords based on your primary keyword. See how the tool lists the semantic keywords for “keyword research tool”.

How to use Chatgpt for finding semantic keywords

4. Help You With Creating The Right SEO Strategies

You are an SEO professional, and you have been briefed to come up with a strategy to improve the website’s off-page component. 

Normally, you will surf through the internet, probably Google, and read through all kinds of blogs before starting to build a strategy. Right?

But what if all your questions can be answered in real-time? What if you are provided with intel on everything you want to know? That’d be great, right?

See what ChatGPT gives you when you ask for an off-page strategy.

How to use Chatgpt for building SEO strategies

The key is to be as specific as you can. Because based on your input the results could go from right to wrong in a flash. To give you an idea of the importance of being specific, we will try another question, a bit more precise. See the example given below. 

Example on how to use Chatgpt for backlink research

As you can see how explanatory the points are and you can further be more specific about any sub-topic you want to know and get real-time insights. 

5. Provide A List Of Guest Posting Websites

Now, you have to keep in mind that you should conduct proper backlink gaps and related research on your competitors with SEO tools to find where your competitors are linking and how to overcome them. 

But if you are looking into guest posting on specific niche topics and want to increase backlinks through it, then you can use ChatGPT to find a list of guest posting websites. To give you a better understanding of the situation, see the example given below and notice how to raise the question and what you will receive.

 How to use Chatgpt to get a list of guest posting sites

Again, be specific about your needs and help the tool generate the list accordingly. 

6. Create Topic Clusters Around A Keyword

Topic clusters are tricky ones for some of us. Though there are professionals who create topic clusters with their market knowledge, it might take some intensive research and a considerable amount of time for others to come up with the same. 

Example on how to use Chatgpt to generate topic clusters

7. Generate Html Codes Necessary For SEO Purposes

Those who are using WordPress CMS wouldn’t have anything to worry about since everything needed for an SEO professional is only a plug-in away. But for others, it might not be the same. Say for example, when we are considering the CMS Ghost, it doesn’t have a built-in frontend. Therefore, users will have to add HTML codes, sometimes combined with CSS, to add certain required features. 

So, if an SEO need to add a table, he/she must possess a working knowledge of HTML or must rely on tech experts for the same. But with ChatGPT you don’t have to worry about that. 

See how the tool responded to our query, “Generate an HTML Code for adding a table in ghost CMS”.

How to use Chatgpt to generate HTML codes

Further on, the tool also explains briefly the codes and gives insight into what is what.

Example of using Chatgpt for generating HTML codes

Similarly, you can generate codes for any features for your front end without the help of a technical team, which, in most cases, SEOs have to do.  

8. Generate Meta Titles

Meta titles are a crucial factor that decides the CTR of a webpage, and it is a daunting task to create an action-oriented title quickly. 

Writers could play with words for an hour, research competitors’ titles to get an idea, and come up with a good meta title. OR, you could use ChatGPT to get ideas and insights into how to write one.

Notice how to ask the tool the question and how it responds to it from the following image. 

How to use Chatgpt to write meta titles

Yes, I took inspiration from these to create the meta title for this blog 😁. 

9. Generate Meta Descriptions 

If the tool can provide insight into generating meta titles, why not meta descriptions? 

Before jumping the gun, please keep in mind that the content should be action-oriented and the presence of keywords are must for meta descriptions to be effective. With that in mind, we generated the meta description for this very blog with ChatGPT.

How to use Chatgpt to write meta descriptions

10. Help You With Generating Schema Codes

Schema codes are part of technical SEO, which is added to the website’s HTML for the search engines to understand the content and the context of the webpage or website in general. 

ChatGPT can provide you with adequate information on the schema codes available and can generate the same, and even help you guide through implementing these codes. 

Example of how to use Chatgpt for generating schema codes

As you can see there are some missing schema types. FAQ is one example that is currently missing from the list. And the reason is only that we didn’t ask ChatGPT to list all types of it.  

To give you an idea, I’ll be asking the tool to generate a schema code for FAQ. Notice how it responds to it from the given image.

example of faq schema code generated by Chatgpt

Likewise, you will be able to generate the required schema codes with ChatGPT within seconds. 

11.The URL Structure For Your Blog 

In most cases, the URL structure will be short and concise, at the same time providing insight into the context of what the webpage is about. And most importantly, it must include the primary or focus keyword. 

To see if ChatGPT can actually work this out I asked it the question. 

Example of using Chatgpt for generating url structure

It not only provided an almost perfect URL but also explained why it chose it. The focus or primary keyword for the blog is “types of keywords in SEO.”

But on the other hand, the tool also provided me with an alternative url for the same topic which wasn’t keyword centric at all. 

Example URL structure generated by ChatGPT

Make sure to have a basic idea of URL structure, what to include and what not to, or else you’d be choosing the wrong one. 

12.Generate Hreflang Tags for International SEO

Hreflang tags help search engines recognize those pages that have the same meaning but are focused on different languages and/or regions. 

For example, We asked ChatGPT to create a custom hreflang tag for a web page to focus on both the US [Eng] and India [Hindi, Malayalam, Tamil]. Watch how it responded.

Example of hreflang tags generated by Chatgpt

It also defines each part of created codes and gives you an idea of what each is and why it’s used. 

Furthermore, it also continued to explain that in cases of web pages that doesn’t focus on any language or region, we could use another code.

Example of default hreflang tags generated by Chatgpt

13.Generate XML Sitemap

Yes, there are websites which will help you generate an XML sitemap. But, we are talking about a tool for doing everything in one place. Which means fewer tabs open. I mean, at some point we all had so many tabs open that we found it hard to pinpoint the required tab in time. 

Let’s see how ChatGPT favored our question to generate an XML sitemap for the website.

How to use Chatgpt for generating XML sitemap

14. Create Customized robots.txt

Create a customized robots.txt file for your website and disallow the crawling of your desired web pages with ChatGPT.

How to use Chatgpt to generate robots.tx file

ChatGPT for Content

15. Get Ideas To Generate Content

As a writer myself, I know that writing isn’t easy. And when we are writing content every day, the chances of getting drained of ideas or getting struck with writer’s block are inevitable. 

That’s where ChatGPT comes in. Let’s say, I’m drained of my ideas and exhausted to even brainstorm anymore. What made my writing special was the movie reference I try to include in the content.  But I couldn’t think of any. So, what did I do? Ask ChatGPT.

The command was simple, “Generate ideas for movie references to use for writing topic around ChatGPT for content and SEO”.

Example of using Chatgpt for generating content idea

16. Get A List Of FAQs To Work With

FAQs are fairly a new addition to the list by Google that can help improve the content’s chances of ranking. And there are several methods to research to find the right questions to be answered for a given topic.

OR you could just command ChatGPT to generate a list of faqs required for you.  

Let’s say that I’m considering writing a list of 4 FAQs to add to this blog but I don’t have the time or resources to research. So I simply asked ChatGPT to generate one more and it went well.

How to use Chatgpt to generate a list of FAQs

No need to scroll down, I didn’t add these to the blog. This was just to give you an idea of ChatGPT’s potential.

17. Find Insights Into Text CTAs 

You are writing a copy for a landing page. You finished it, reviewed it and submitted it to the clients. They are happy with the content [Never happen on the first try, but let’s assume so]. They push it to design and development, during which they understand that the “texts” used in the CTA buttons are commonly used terms.

They contacted you to see if there is any alternative. Now, you could either brainstorm for an hour and provide a list of CTA Button text. OR you could generate the list within 5 minutes with the help of ChatGPT. 

Example of using Chatgpt for generating text CTA

18. Generate Customized Email Copies

Writing email copies are the hardest. One misuse of words, and the mail could swing fully to formal or informal. But with ChatGPT not so. 

See how the tool generated a perfect email copy for beginners applying for a position at Google. 

How to use Chatgpt for email copies
An example of an email copy generated by ChatGPT

19. Creates A Content Brief For A Given Keyword

Not all content writers are well-versed in SEO, at least not yet. So, when a topic and keyword are given to a writer, the SEO person will have to explain what to include and what to exclude, the word count, etc. 

But no more. Because ChatGPT is here to give you proper insights into the keyword and the content to be written around it. 

We asked ChatGPT to generate a content brief surrounding the keyword, “types of keywords in SEO” and see what we got in reply.

How Chatgpt helps in creating a content brief for a keyword

They even included the purpose and target audience to help write your content more focused. And the best part is that the tool also provided insights into the key points to be included. This means that you research accordingly and speed up your content generation process.

20. Generate Topics For Content Marketing

Yes, proper competitor and market research have to be done to find the appropriate topics to attract, engage, and convert the audience. But I’m talking about creating more topics on the ones you have already written on and want to expand that particular niche. 

Say, for example, your client is a mobile app development service provider. You have written on the topics of “app development,” tech stack, and so on. However, you have to focus on more specific topics like flutter app development or native app development.

So, what you can do is ask ChatGPT to generate topics surrounding your desired niche topic. 

Example of using Chatgpt for topic research

21. Create YouTube Descriptions

Using ChatGPT, you can create a concise and valuable YouTube description. The 5000-character limit allows for targeted keywords and proper formatting.

You can include the title and targeted keyword in the YouTube description. You can also request a bullet-point content structure.

So, Why Not Create Content With Chatgpt?

According to John Mueller, making use of automated or AI-generated content is against Google’s webmaster guidelines. So, if their spam team is to spot your website with this content, they will consider it to be spam, and further steps will be taken against your website for using them. 

He is also considering a time in the future when people will use tools like Grammarly to increase their quality.  However, until that time comes, this AI-generated content will be considered spam and can have an adverse effect on your website if found by Google’s spam team. 

This is the reason why I didn’t encourage the use of ChatGPT for content creation. We don’t know what the future holds; Google might or might not allow the use of such tools. But until it’s clear that it is safe, it’s better to steer away from it. 

You can read more about John Mueller’s take on AI-generated content and Google here

To Conclude

ChatGPT has made quite a roar in the market. From CEOs and MDs to coders and content writers, almost everyone is using it to complete their daily chores quickly and efficiently. 

And as far as ChatGPT for content and SEO is concerned, the tool has made significant changes to the way things are done, and it will never be the same again.

Finding keywords has never been easy. But what you have to understand is that ChatGPT is not an SEO tool. You still have to know whether people are searching these keywords, what their keyword volume and difficulty is, and all. So, what we suggest is that you use both. ChatGPT to create a cluster and an efficient SEO tool to corroborate and choose the right one for your purpose. 

And for the content. The content created will be based on the data it has. Having complete faith in ChatGPT would be the wrong move. Like SEO, acquire enough knowledge to understand what you want and enough to corroborate whether the information provided by the tool is right or wrong. At least until the time ChatGPT catches up with time and data.


1. How can ChatGPT boost SEO for my website?

ChatGPT can improve SEO by generating engaging and relevant content that increases user retention on your website. This can improve key metrics like time on site and bounce rate, which search engines consider when ranking content.

2. What is ChatGPT SEO?

ChatGPT SEO refers to the practice of leveraging ChatGPT’s capabilities to optimize web content for search engines. This includes creating articles and meta descriptions and generating content ideas for ranking and attracting organic traffic.

3. How do I develop a ChatGPT content strategy?

A ChatGPT content strategy involves identifying topics that align with your search intent. Then, ChatGPT will be used to create engaging, informative content around those topics. You have to blend that generated content with human-written content to ensure quality.

 4. What are the best practices for integrating ChatGPT in my SEO efforts?

 To fill content gaps on your website, rewrite existing content, improve content readability, and generate new ideas that align with search trends. 

5. Can ChatGPT help with technical SEO aspects?

ChatGPT can assist with technical SEO strategies. The tool provides suggestions for improving site structure, creating SEO-friendly URLs, and optimizing title tags and metadata based on best practices.

6. How does ChatGPT ensure content originality for SEO purposes?

ChatGPT can generate unique content based on the input provided. However, you must review and customize the content. This helps ensure that it’s tailored to your audience and SEO goals. Many tools allow you to check for plagiarism in content.